Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MATT - Where's the RESS?

Day 3

We have been in the house almost fourteen months now and we're not to the finishing touches part quite yet. We're still furnishing rooms! Two guest rooms and the dining room remain, then we can start filling out those that already have the basics. But we have to get at least one more guest room and the dining room done by this November as I've bravely announced we'll be hosting our first Thanksgiving!

Hubby wanted to get the dining room done first, but I found bedding for the guest room and, ladies, you know what happens when you find bedding you just can't live without. Mattresses become priority number one!

After a long Friday making the rounds at BJs, The Home Depot and more, I couldn't drag Hubby out of the house for any more shopping, but I found a local retailer that sells mattress sets and frames online. I placed the order for two twin sets and not ten minutes later got a call to confirm the purchase and schedule delivery. Wow, could it be too good to be true? Of course!

I was expecting to head off on a long weekend (mini vacation starts today - YAY!) with two beds set up all cute and awaiting their gorgeous bedding. Nope. Just look at what I'm left with! Not only did they bring one frame instead of two, they didn't even bother to set up the one bed for which they did have all the parts. (Sorry the picture is so dark. It's a rainy and dreary day... just in time for vacation - BOO!) To top it off, I tracked the bedding order online and it's not scheduled to ship until July 30.

So I'll wait... patiently... and try to find the positive. I do look forward to each thing arriving and the room coming together piece by piece. Can't wait to share it with you when it's done! Well, the beds will be done, but I'll still need some sort of bureau. Let the search begin!

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